What does volunteering for the Tracker involve?

Hear first-hand from volunteers about what they do and their experiences as part of the Net Zero Tracker team.

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The Tracker’s data is updated on a rolling basis by our volunteers, some of whom are in Oxford and some of whom are around the globe. Updating the data involves checking that the information we have in our database reflects the current targets of the relevant entities. This might involve a bit of research to see if there have been any updates in the time between the last time the entity was updated and now, as well as checking that the existing data is correct. In some instances, this usually involves some net zero sleuthing/googling / ecosia-ing.

Our wonderful volunteers update one entity when they have a moment. Usually, this is once a week but some volunteers help out a bit more infrequently. If you join us, every Tuesday you’ll be assigned an entity that needs to be updated. Each new draft will need to be approved by a fellow volunteer - so this is really a global team effort.

How do I get started?

If you’re interested in being a volunteer, let us know if you would like to focus on any languages (e.g., perhaps you’re a French speaker) or any types of entities (e.g., African cities, Brazilian states, island countries or fashion companies? You tell us). Email us at updates@zerotracker.net to get involved.

Want to learn more about net zero, events and what’s happening at the Tracker? Join our bi-weekly volunteer newsletter



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Net Zero Tracker Partners

  • Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit logo
  • Data Driven Envirolab logo
  • New Climate Institue logo
  • Net Zero | University of Oxford